

এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার্থীদের ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্র


মো. হাবিবুল হাসান

প্রকাশ: ০৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫, ১২:০০ এএম

প্রিন্ট সংস্করণ

প্রভাষক, আমেনা খাতুন কলেজ

নারিকেলবাড়িয়া, ঝিনাইদহ

Special Use of Phrase and Words

Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box.

let alone - was born - there - what's it like

what if - has to - it - as if

what does .... look like - had better

(a) He treats me — I were his younger brother. Actually he is one of my distant relatives.

(b) Nasima is a daughter of poor parents. She has no private tutor. So she — study hard.

(c) — was a stormy night. It was raining also. I passed the night totally alone in the hostel.

(d) I cannot ride a motorbike, — a car. I have no money to buy any of these two things.

(e) Victor Hugo was a French novelist and dramatist. He — in 1802.

(f) Salman : — a kangaroo —?

Mita : Sorry friend, I have no idea about kangaroo. I have never seen it.

(g) Today is holiday. — going to visit the yoo?

(h) Your parents are bearing your educational expenses with great difficulty. But you are not attentive to your study. — you fail in the Exam?

(i) — flows a river by our village. We often swim in the river.

(j) You — cross the river at this moment. The river is very calm now.

Answer :

(a) as if (b) has to (c) It (d) let alone (e) was born (f) What does ... look like (g) what's it like (h) What if (i) There (j) had better

but for/ used to / was born

no sooner had/ had better

as if/ it/ what do you mean/ has to

what's the matter

(a) Shamsur Rahman — in Dhaka in 1929. He is famous both as a poet and a novelist.

(b) — Diamond jumped upon the table than the lighted candle fell on the papers. It caused a great damage to Newton's research works.

(c) You — apply to the principal of your college for granting you a stipend. He will surely see on it.

(d) Thomas Alva Edison was very inquisitive in his childhood. He — do many harmful activities. However, he made a lot of inventions.

(e) One evening I returned home groaning with a bad headache. My mother asked me, '· with you? Why do you look so pale?'

(f) — your timely intervention, I would have been assaulted by them. I was just a victim of circumstances.

(g) —? how can a rope bite a man? It is quite unbelievable.

(h) He tells the matter — he knew it. Actually, he is quite ignorant of it.

(i) — is a good idea to walk in the morning. Morning walk is very healthful.

(j) A good citizen — perform a lot of things. These things will enable him to become a true patriot.

Answer : (a) was born (b) No sooner had (c) had better (d) used to (e) What's the matter (f) but for (g) what do you mean (h) as if (i) it (j) has to

Jamuna Electronics


সম্পাদক : আবদুল হাই শিকদার

প্রকাশক : সালমা ইসলাম