

এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার্থীদের ইংরেজি


মো. হাবিবুল হাসান

প্রকাশ: ০২ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ১২:০০ এএম

প্রিন্ট সংস্করণ

প্রভাষক, আমেনা খাতুন কলেজ

নারিকেলবাড়িয়া, ঝিনাইদহ


Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage.


Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a) - possesses this invaluable quality is the happiest man on earth. (b) -, to be honest, a man should have trustworthiness (c) - nobody trusts a liar. A liar may prosper for the time being, (d) - he goes to the dogs. (e) - we should be honest. It is said. (f) - honesty is the best policy, (g) - dishonesty is the sign of downfall, God helps those (h) - are honest. (i) - dishonest people are cursed. Childhood is the best time (j) -, children should be taught honesty from childhood. It is widely observed that children follow their parents. (k) -, parents should be honest and upright in their business of life. (l) -, children should be allowed to mix with those friends (m) - are honest. (n) - they can build their characters.

Answer: (a) who (b) Truly speaking (c) because (d) but (d) So/That's why (f) that (g) whereas (h) who (i) On the other hand/On the contrary (j) when (k) for which/and so (l) Again/Besides (m) who (n) Thus


There is a wise saying, 'Early to bed and early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.' (a) -, a person (b) - gets up early in the morning enjoys several benefits. (c) - he can walk in the morning. It is a simple exercise. (d) - it is very beneficial for (e) - our physical and mental health. (f) -, he can enjoy the fresh air of the morning. (g) -, morning walk is free from noise and pollution. (h) -, it also provides us with a unique opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature in the cold and calm atmosphere. (i) -, an early riser can offer his prayer. (j) -, he can get extra time to work (k) - helps him earn more. (l) -, an early riser can also get enough time to study (m) - makes him wise. (n) -, we should develop this habit of getting up early in the morning.

Answer: (a) In fact (b) when (c) Firstly (d) But (e) both (f) Secondly (g) Indeed (h) Thirdly (i) For example (j) Moreover (k) which (l) thus (m) which (n) Therefore/So


I went back to work, closing the door. (a) - the sound of the boy dragging brush annoyed me. (b) - he began to chop. The blows were rhythmic (c) - steady, (d) - shortly I had forgotten him. The sound no more of an interruption (e) - a consistent rain. I suppose an hour (f) - a half passed, for (g) - I stopped (h) - stretched, and heard the boy's steps on the cabin stoop, the sun was dropping behind the farthest mountain, (i) - the valleys were purple with something deeper (j) - the asters. The boy said, 'I have to go to supper (k) -. I can come (l) - tomorrow evening. I said, 'I'll pay you (m) - for (n) - you've done.'

Answer: (a) But (b) Then (c) and (d) and (e) than (f) and (g) when (h) and (i) and (j) than (k) nwo (l) back (m) nwo (n) what

Jamuna Electronics


সম্পাদক : সাইফুল আলম

প্রকাশক : সালমা ইসলাম